Our Client Engagement Process





  1. 1.Initial Call - You tell us about the goals and scope of your meeting.

  2. 2.Proposal - we create a proposal with pricing

  3. 3.Acceptance - The proposal is used as a contract when you accept it

  4. 4.Facilitator selection - We select the best experienced facilitator for your meeting

  5. 5.Interviews and surveys - Facilitator will confidentially interview and/or survey the entire group to learn about their expectations and create rapport

  6. 6.Design Agenda - Based on the interviews and surveys we create an agenda that will fit your needs 100%

  7. 7.Co-design Meeting - We work with you to refine the agenda and the meeting approaches

We use a large variety of approaches to ensure the your meeting is highly productive and extremely engaging and fits your group’s personality.

We balance introverted and extroverted facilitation approaches to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute for heavy buy-in

After the meeting we will document all of the meeting output (the ideas created and decisions made)

Honig IdeaGuides, • San Francisco Bay Area,  • 415-479-2028  •  All rights reserved 2023

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